Official site of the
South Dakota
Electrical Council
promoting and improving the
electrical industry within South Dakota
Our Mission
The purpose of the South Dakota Electrical Council is to promote and improve the electrical industry within South Dakota.
The council strives to promote technical and product knowledge, continuing education, and better communication among its members through trade shows, joint utility training, newsletters, awards and individual chapters of the South Dakota Electrical Council.
The SDEC and its membership are committed to building cooperation, fostering goodwill, and developing pride among all segments of the electrical industry.
Note: The South Dakota Electrical Council is a non profit organization supporting the electrical industry in South Dakota. We can be contacted by email at We are not the same as the South Dakota Electrical Commission, which is the SD State Commission in charge of licensing electricians. Their website is at SD Electrical Commission.

A portion of your membership dues goes to support the state organization, and a portion also goes back to your local chapter.
Every year, South Dakota Electrical Council chooses one person to become the Person of the Year. View them all!
The South Dakota Electric Council host an annual conference each year. Chapters hold meetings and code classes from September – April. Check with chapters on dates.